Established in the year 1972, We “Paramount Looms” are one of the prominent organizations engaged in manufacturing and supplying a wide range of Loom Machine.


The Bangladesh Textile Industry is a dynamic and rapidly growing sector with a rich history of textile production. With over 80% of its total exports attributed to the industry, it is no surprise that Bangladesh has become a significant player in the global textile market. 

However, despite this success story, Bangladesh’s textile industry faces a number of challenges that impact and slow down their growth. 

These challenges include frequent power outages that disrupt production schedules, inadequate infrastructure that hinders efficiency, low productivity that limits output, and a scarcity of resources that can limit expansion. 

Intex Bangladesh

Bangladesh’s textile industry, while a dominant force,has a lot of hurdles to overcome challenges. 

Intex Bangladesh, the premier international textile sourcing show designed to address these very issues and propel the industry forward.

Intex Bangladesh serves as a one-stop platform, hosting a global and regional congregation of exhibitors. These exhibitors showcase the latest and greatest in the textile world: innovative technologies, sustainable practices, stylish designs, and practical solutions. 

The main focus of Intex Bangladesh is to empower Bangladesh’s fast-growing textile and clothing industry for continued success.

Here’s how Intex Bangladesh bridges the gap:

  • Connecting Manufacturers & Buyers: They act as a matchmaking service, directly connecting quality suppliers from around the world with home-grown Bangladeshi entrepreneurs. This fosters valuable partnerships and ensures Bangladeshi manufacturers have access to the latest advancements.
  • Empowering Local Businesses: Intex Bangladesh prioritises home-grown talent. They provide a platform for local entrepreneurs and SMEs to connect with international players, creating opportunities for growth and expansion.
  • Premium Show Organizers: Their commitment goes beyond just hosting an event. Intex Bangladesh offers premium standards of service and acts as a trade promoter, actively supporting the industry’s overall growth.

With Intex Bangladesh, the future of Bangladesh’s textile industry is bright. They provide the connections, technologies, and support needed to ensure Bangladesh remains a textile powerhouse on the world stage.

Intex Bangladesh promises to be a game-changer for the Bangladeshi textile industry, and Paramount Looms is proud to be a part of this pivotal event. 

Paramount Looms at Intex Bangladesh

As a reputable manufacturer of textile machinery, we understand the unique challenges faced by Bangladeshi weavers. We’re here with a wide range of textile weaving solutions, designed and manufactured to meet the demands of the industry.

Paramount Looms at Intex Bangladesh

But Paramount Looms is more than just machines – we’re your partner in success. Here’s how our innovative technology can empower Bangladeshi textile manufacturers:

  • Conquer Power Outages: Frequent power fluctuations are a major hurdle. Our energy-efficient machinery minimises power consumption and keeps production humming, even during outages. This translates to reduced downtime and a significant boost in overall efficiency.
  • Boost Productivity & Profitability: Paramount Looms’ machines are built for speed and precision. This translates to increased production output, allowing you to fulfil larger orders and tap into new markets. Higher productivity naturally leads to increased profitability, enabling you to invest in further growth and offer competitive wages to your workforce.
  • Sustainable Practices, Woven into Every Machine: Environmental responsibility is paramount. Our machines are designed with sustainability in mind, minimising waste and promoting energy-efficient operations. This aligns perfectly with the growing global demand for eco-conscious textiles.
  • Quality You Can Count On: Our unwavering commitment to quality ensures you produce flawless fabrics that meet the highest international standards. This translates to satisfied customers, repeat business, and a stronger brand reputation for Bangladesh’s textile industry.

Paramount Looms isn’t just selling machines, we’re selling a brighter future for Bangladesh’s textile industry. 

Visitors can explore our range of exclusive fabric weaving machinery, including rapier looms, air jet looms, and many more advanced power loom machines, designed to meet the specific needs of your operation. We’re confident that our solutions can help you overcome challenges, boost productivity, and achieve success.

Exhibition Details-

Paramount Loom’s Stall No.– B-8 | Hall No. 1 | Pdexcil Pavilion

Date– 30th May -31st May- 1st June, 2024

Timing– 10 AM to 6 PM

Address– International Convention City Bashundhara (ICCB), Dhaka, Bangladesh

Visit Paramount Looms at Intex Bangladesh. For more details, contact us today.

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